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Showing posts from January, 2009

This little iPod thingy now has all my music

The kid at Office Depot scratched his head. "Well, yeah, I think we've got one that big," he said. He pointed to the vast area behind him. "Somewhere...somewhere over there." "You're sure?" I asked. "Because I fought all sorts of traffic to get here and I don't want to go home empty-handed." "Yeah, I'm pretty sure," the kid said. "Pretty sure? or for sure?" I replied. "Okay, I'm sure." The kid gave me one of those "you'd better buy something or else" looks. I, however, smiled in return. I resisted the urge to asked for directions a second time. Ten minutes later — which included some serious prices versus quality type of thinking — I purchased the small piece of computer equipment and left. I'd come to Office Depot on a quest. It had recently become apparent that I needed to upgrade my home-based Mac and this included a great deal more hard drive space. Now this isn't that b...

Dear President-elect Obama

Dear President-elect Obama: By the time this month is over, America — and, yes, that includes us Okies — will have inaugurated a new president. It is, by all accounts, a historical moment; the country’s first black president, elected during a time of severe financial turmoil and strife in the world. But, inversely, it’s also an opportunity. A chance for you to make changes for the better and to improve the lives of millions of those who call this country their home. With that in mind, I’d like to offer you a few suggestions for your administration. •Be open. Talk to the press on a regular basis; tell them up front what you’re trying to do. Sure there are times when you need to keep things quiet but, overall, an open dialogue with members of the Fourth Estate will benefit you greatly. •No matter what you do, you will always have critics. Accept that. There are many people on both sides of the political landscape who are sure that they are 100 times smarter than you. They are absolutely ...